
    Ready to Rewind

    It’s the time of year when, for the previous decade, hundreds of rising soccer stars would be eagerly anticipating Ultimate Fiji Soccer Cup opening ceremony.

    As we are all aware, the 2020 tournament is sadly not going ahead, however, with the coming week being the intended dates for the event, we will be doing an Ultimate Fiji Soccer Cup Rewind photo series. 

    The Rewind, starting Saturday, 28 November, will be looking back at some of the highlights of the 2019 tournament and we encourage you to share some of your favourite UFSC memories in the comment sections.

    Competition director Bruce Tilt said he is still finding it hard to believe the annual competition won’t be going ahead but he can’t wait to reminisce over the next few days.

    “Every year since 2010 I have been in Fiji at this time of the year,” Tilt explained.

    “I live and breath soccer and there is nothing I love more than being a part of the Ultimate Fiji Soccer Cup and for it not to go ahead this year still pains me.

    “However, we’re looking forward to sharing pictures looking back on last year’s tournament and hope you all can share some of your best memories from tournaments in the past, which will make me all the more excited for 2021.”

    To express your interest in being involved in the 2021 Ultimate Fiji Soccer Cup please email bruce@ultimatesportstravel.com.au.


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